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Writer's pictureLouisa at Starre Corner

I Say Yes!

Updated: Nov 18, 2019

At the age of 46 it is easy to stay within the comfort of my own home, doing the things I love with the people I love. There is no need for me to do anything I don't want to do; I've had a successful career, married the man of my dreams and moved to my forever home. How great is that?

Sitting back and easing myself gently into pre-middle age doesn't seem to be in my nature however. I am not that person. Everyday is an opportunity to do something new, meet someone different and live life a little more than the day before.

Last month Son de Flor asked my if I fancied modelling one of their dresses along with the delightful Paula of Instagram Hillhouse Vintage fame. On this occasion my initial reaction was to say no. I am not a natural in front of the camera. But then after a quick talking to myself I jumped in with both feet. After all Son de Flor's dresses are beautifully made with the highest attention to the smallest detail.

Paula and I recruited the assistance of a hugely talent local Norfolk photographer and stylist, Tamsyn Morgans. Paula and I were not Tamsyn's normal delicate flowers which she normally styles so fabulously but if anyone could put us at ease and work their magic I knew it was Tamsyn.

On a rather chilly Friday in March I headed off into the glorious rural Norfolk countryside, heading in the direction of Hill House. I went prepared, armed with cake and a few props from the Sugden and Daughters storeroom. I wonder if Stephen Fry noticed that I'd made an extra effort with my hair and makeup when I bumped into him (well I actually ignored him when he was behind me at the checkout) during a quick dash into my local Waitrose for a few extra provisions?

I met Paula last year for the first time having bumped into each other on Instagram. She is as funny, charming and eccentric as here Instagram persona. I’d also previously met Tamsyn at a workshop last year but hadn’t had the opportunity to get to know her. It was such a wonderful opportunity to spend the day with both of these lovely ladies; the day flew by with laughter, chatter and of gallons of tea.

Far be it for me to preach but I am often asked how I can talk into a camera and post myself on social media. This is often followed by the statement – ‘I could never do that’. Well actually, you can! The only thing holding you back is a limiting belief that you can’t. Look at me; I am 46, size 16 with a wobbly tummy made wobblier by two pregnancies. I have large black bags under my eyes, wild curly unruly hair and more than my fair share of facial character lines. My hair is also getting greyer by the day (part of plan plan to go grey gracefully).But all of the above are what make me who I am today and I am happy with that.

If I had said no to this opportunity I would have missed out on a great day of fun; an opportunity to be social and an opportunity to step out of my comfort zone and feel a mini rush of adrenaline. The photographs are amazing too (well done Tamsyn).

My motto in life is say YES! What’s the worse that could happen?

Go on, I encourage you to do the same and I would love to hear how you get on. Just say YES!

All photography by Tamsyn Morgans

Dress gifted by Son De Flor

Thank you Paula for being the best host.


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